Here is some example of media coverage and blog posts about our research activities
Last week, some BGC lab members took part in the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting (BES 2024) held in Liverpool, UK. With more than 1,600 attendees, this year’s event was the largest BES Annual Meeting ever, bringing together ecologists from all over the globe. Our lab members [...]
Mountains around the world are experiencing varying levels of change due to global factors such as climate change, land use, and population density. A recent study by Chiara Dragonetti, Gergana Daskalova, and Moreno Di Marco, published on April 13, 2024, has taken a closer look at [...]
ScholarGPS has just recognized Top Scholars for their outstanding performance in various Fields, Disciplines, and Specialties. Their ranking has placed Moreno Di Marco in the top 0.5% of all scholars worldwide, for his strong publication record, impactful work, and high-quality scholarly contributions [...]
Our BGC lab members just finished a day of meetings at Lake Albano in the Castelli Romani Regional Park. It was the perfect chance for our team to get some work done in a relaxing setting, enjoy the cooler weather, and wrap up the last tasks before the holiday break. [...]
Did you know there's a whole Italian congress dedicated to mammals’ research?
From the 3rd to the 5th of July, some BGC Lab members attended the 13th Italian Congress of Theriology, held at the Department of Biosciences and Territory of the University of Molise [...]
Last week, the BGC research lab participated in the 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB 2024) held in Bologna, Italy. Post-docs, PhD students, collaborators and MSc students presented a total of 16 contributions, which covered a wide range of research topics including [...]
On March 16 the town hall of Velletri hosted a conference on "Protecting Biodiversity in the Castelli Romani Park" with a focus on the regulatory and technical tools of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). A member of our team, Sofia Silvestri [...]
Since the middle of the last century, the percentage of specialist bristle flies has increased by 70% at low altitudes and decreased by 20% at high altitudes, where generalist species have spread rapidly over the same period. This is the conclusion of a new study, published in the journal PNAS [...]
Today is International Mountain Day! Mountain ecosystems suffer from climate change and human impact all over the world, but their importance is extraordinary. Although they cover <20% of Earth’s terrestrial land surface, mountains support one third of terrestrial species diversity and host half of the 34 global biodiversity hotspots. [...]
Research.com has just released the 2023 list of the Rising Stars of Science, including Moreno Di Marco. The ranking includes 1,000 early career scientists from all major areas of science (based on examination of 166,880 profiles on Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic) [...]
È online il primo numero di Sapienza Magazine, la nuova rivista semestrale dell'Università, con un articolo di Andrea Tonelli e Federica Villa che parla del nostro lab!
Il riscaldamento globale minaccia la biodiversità e aumenta i rischi per l'umanità"[...]
At the end of July the BGC lab members joined the International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB) in Kigali, Rwanda, to present our newest biodiversity research. Marta Cimatti presented her talk on "Hotspots of risk for mammal biodiversity and Nature’s Contributions to People under global warming”, and a poster on “Maintaining regions of high biodiversity value help preserve regulating Nature's Contributions to People under climate change”, a summary of the [...]
Le crescenti pressioni umane sull’ambiente e l’utilizzo intensivo delle risorse stanno determinando una perdita globale di biodiversità e la conseguente alterazione degli ecosistemi naturali. Questi processi inducono anche il declino dei cosiddetti “contributi della natura alle persone” (NCP), cioè tutti quei contributi della natura – sia positivi che negativi – alla qualità della vita degli esseri umani [...]
Yesterday saw the conclusion of the first Italian conference for Early Career Researchers in conservation science, organised by SCB Italy and entitled “Challenging conservation: adattarsi al cambiamento”. Many of our PhD and MSc students, and collaborators attended the conference with presentations and posters on their own research lines [...]
In light of the increasing pressure on international human rights adjudicative bodies to adjudicate on matters related to climate change, this symposium brings together eminent contributors from various disciplines to comment on the interpretation of climate science within the judicial setting. [Video link]
Il raggiungimento degli obiettivi definiti dall’accordo di Parigi sul clima favorirebbe in modo cruciale la sopravvivenza dei carnivori e degli ungulati di montagna. Ad affermarlo è uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista Conservation Biology [...]
Research.com has just released the 2022 list of the Rising Stars of Science, including Moreno Di Marco. The ranking includes 1,000 early career scientists from all major areas of science (based on examination of 166,880 profiles on Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic) [...]
[ITALIAN] Pianeta Terra Festival
Oggi assistiamo a tassi di estinzione senza precedenti nella storia recente e pericolosamente vicini a quelli registrati durante gli eventi di estinzione di massa che nel passato hanno ridisegnato la vita sulla Terra. Ma non tutto è perduto [VIDEO IN ITALIAN]
Asiatic lions, Grévy's zebras and pygmy hippos. These were some of the protagonists of last Saturday’s educational event organised by SBC Italy (Society for Conservation Biology) as part of the initiative "M’ammalia, the mammals' week". [...]
BGC lab members attended the European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB) last week, together with 600 other researchers from all over the world!
On October 27th, the young members of our team, Federica Villa, Andrea Tonelli, Andrea Sacchi and Chiara Dragonetti, took part in the scientific aperitif held at La Limonaia in Villa Torlonia to talk about some endangered mammal species. [...]
In Central Apennines, the ecological impacts of livestock grazing on wildlife, as well as the social dynamics that influence stocking densities and herding behaviour, represent a potential threat [...]
On 16 June, the first scientific aperitif of TECNOTOWN entitled "Fantastic creatures and how to conserve them" was held at La Limonaia in Villa Torlonia. The young researchers of our team [...]
Uno studio con nuovi dati, indispensabili per valutare come raggiungere l'obiettivo Ue di riportare la biodiversità in Europa sulla via della ripresa entro il 2030 [...]
This event brought together experts from academia and the investment space, along with key international organisations, to discuss the findings of [...]
Per avere risultati duraturi e significativi nella conservazione della biodiversità basterebbe una gestione integrata del 30% di territori strategici. Azioni coordinate in questi hotspot potrebbero salvaguardare [...]
On 25 and 26 March 2021, the Monumental Hall of Palazzo Chigi hosted the Second Health Working Group Meeting of the G20 under the Italian Presidency.[...]
Relationships between Environmental Risk (With a Focus on Biodiversity) and the Risk to Human Health, Wealth, and Societies [Video link]
Interview as part of the documentary series "Deal for Future" [See video, in ITALIAN]
Young Researchers Prize for Environment, from the Italian orgnisation "Scienza in Rete" [...]
A major study co-authored by researchers at more than 40 institutes and NGOs around the world has identified key combined actions needed to reverse biodiversity loss. [...]
A new study of the Department of Biology and Biotechnology "Charles Darwin" of Sapienza University, published on Nature Communications, assessed [...]
I was featured in the first 2020 episode of the TV show "Indovina chi viene a cena" dedicated to the links between biodiversity loss and pandemic risk [video]
ROMA – Negli ultimi 20 anni una serie dI virus e infezioni hanno messo a dura prova i sistemi sanitari ed economici globali. Eppure quando si fa pianificazione [...]
Read over 30 news and blog articles about my paper on "Wilderness areas halve the extinction risk of terrestrial biodiversity" [...]
In our Nature paper my co-authors and I addressed a simple yet important question: what role do wilderness areas play in mitigating the global extinction crisis? Finding an answer was not that simple [...]
Che l’Italia non sia esattamente un Paese per giovani lo dicono i dati, pessimi, e le analisi che li accompagnano. Eppure, l’universo under 40 è pieno di talento e di storie da raccontare. [...]
While species declines and extinctions can occur due to one threat, it is the interactions of several operating threats that amplifies risk. Everyone's contribution is critical if we want to stand a chance at winning the battle against climate change and species extinction.[...]
Human impacts are the biggest risk factor in the possible extinction of a quarter of all land-based mammals, according to a new study.[...]
In our recent paper my co-authors and I explore the relationship between changing human pressure and changing extinction risk in the world's terrestrial mammals.[...]
Habitat destruction and climate change are two of the greatest threats to life on Earth. Tackling these threats requires the protection of habitat in biologically diverse areas, as well as preservation and restoration of areas with high carbon stocks. It would therefore be very convenient if high carbon stock areas also tended to be highly biologically diverse. [...]
A TIGER pads into a reserve village in the Pilibhit region on the Indian Nepalese border searching for food. Villagers panic and hide inside their homes; several people have been killed in the past year. Eventually the tiger is tranquilised and returned to nearby forest.[...]
From the local to the global scale, conservation decisions are heavily influenced by the knowledge of where species are found. Maps of the geographic range of species (or simply ‘range maps’) are typically used to determine the overlap between threatened species and protected areas, and to find new places in need of protection.[...]
A special issue of Conservation Letters In December 2016, Conservation Letters released its first special issue with the theme of ‘Achieving the targets of global biodiversity conventions’. The issue was spearheaded by members of CEED and the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science (CBCS), specifically Moreno Di Marco, James Watson, Oscar Venter, and Hugh Possingham. [...]
[ITALIAN] In 25 anni via un decimo della natura selvaggia. "Di questo passo nel 2100 sarà scomparsa"
Dal 1993 a oggi distrutti 3,3 milioni di chilometri quadrati. Un team australiano fa la mappa della wilderness cancellata dal Pianeta e di quella che ancora resiste. [...]
Amid efforts to reduce the loss of global biodiversity, a new study discusses how synergies and trade-offs between different conservation objectives should be researched and recognised in policy making. For example, by increasing protected areas, habitat loss and species decline could also be prevented. [...]